added some development tools
[windows-sources.git] / developer / Samples / NET 4.6 / swarm / Swarm Logic / bin / Debug / Swarm Logic.XML
1 <?xml version="1.0"?>
2 <doc>
3 <assembly>
4 <name>Swarm Logic</name>
5 </assembly>
6 <members>
7 <member name="T:Swarm_Logic.Agent">
8 <summary>
9 A class that represents an agent of the Particle Swarm Optimization algorithm. It is responsible for taking -not executing- decisions,
10 communicating with other agents, and searching fr the radiation source.
11 </summary>
12 </member>
13 <member name="P:Swarm_Logic.Agent.FoundSource">
14 <summary>
15 A boolean that indicates if the agent has found a radiation source before.
16 </summary>
17 </member>
18 <member name="P:Swarm_Logic.Agent.WasSending">
19 <summary>
20 A boolean that indicates if the agent was sending information in the last iteration.
21 That boolean can be used by a graphical user interface, to indicate when each agent had sent information.
22 </summary>
23 </member>
24 <member name="P:Swarm_Logic.Agent.PX">
25 <summary>
26 Represents the X coordinate of the agent position.
27 </summary>
28 </member>
29 <member name="P:Swarm_Logic.Agent.PY">
30 <summary>
31 Represents the Y coordinate of the agent position.
32 </summary>
33 </member>
34 <member name="P:Swarm_Logic.Agent.VX">
35 <summary>
36 Represents the X coordinate of the agent velocity.
37 </summary>
38 </member>
39 <member name="P:Swarm_Logic.Agent.VY">
40 <summary>
41 Represents the Y coordinate of the agent velocity.
42 </summary>
43 </member>
44 <member name="P:Swarm_Logic.Agent.MyBestX">
45 <summary>
46 Represents the X coordinate of the visited-by-the-agent position with the most radiation intensity.
47 </summary>
48 </member>
49 <member name="P:Swarm_Logic.Agent.MyBestY">
50 <summary>
51 Represents the Y coordinate of the visited-by-the-agent position with the most radiation intensity.
52 </summary>
53 </member>
54 <member name="P:Swarm_Logic.Agent.MyBestValue">
55 <summary>
56 Represents the radiation intensity of the visited-by-the-agent position with the most radiation intensity.
57 </summary>
58 </member>
59 <member name="P:Swarm_Logic.Agent.OthersBestX">
60 <summary>
61 Represents the X coordinate of the known position with the most radiation intensity.
62 </summary>
63 </member>
64 <member name="P:Swarm_Logic.Agent.OthersBestY">
65 <summary>
66 Represents the Y coordinate of the known position with the most radiation intensity.
67 </summary>
68 </member>
69 <member name="P:Swarm_Logic.Agent.OthersBestValue">
70 <summary>
71 Represents the radiation intensity of the known position with the most radiation intensity.
72 </summary>
73 </member>
74 <member name="P:Swarm_Logic.Agent.RadiationFunction">
75 <summary>
76 Represents the function used by the agent to calculate the radiation intensity as measured by a sensor at any given position.
77 </summary>
78 </member>
79 <member name="P:Swarm_Logic.Agent.SendMessage">
80 <summary>
81 Represents the function used by the agent to send messages to other nearby agents.
82 </summary>
83 </member>
84 <member name="T:Swarm_Logic.Agent.PositionFunction">
85 <summary>
86 The delegate of the function used by the agent to calculate the radiation intensity as measured by a sensor at any given position.
87 </summary>
88 <param name="PX">Represents the X coordinate of the agent position.</param>
89 <param name="PY">Represents the Y coordinate of the agent position.</param>
90 <returns>The intensity of radiation as measured by the agent sensor at that position.</returns>
91 </member>
92 <member name="T:Swarm_Logic.Agent.SendMessageFunction">
93 <summary>
94 The delegate of the function used by the agent to send messages to other nearby agents.
95 </summary>
96 <param name="SendingAgent">Represents the agent who is sending.</param>
97 <param name="Message">Represents the message which is being sent.</param>
98 </member>
99 <member name="M:Swarm_Logic.Agent.TakeTotalyRandomDecision">
100 <summary>
101 This function calculates a random decision.
102 It is used after the agent had found a radiation source, in order to wander around telling everyone else with the source position.
103 </summary>
104 </member>
105 <member name="M:Swarm_Logic.Agent.TakeRandomOppositeDecision">
106 <summary>
107 This function calculates a random decision related to the direction opposite to the current velocity.
108 </summary>
109 </member>
110 <member name="M:Swarm_Logic.Agent.TakeRandomTangentDecision">
111 <summary>
112 This function calculates a random decision related to the direction tangent -perpendicular- to the current velocity.
113 </summary>
114 </member>
115 <member name="M:Swarm_Logic.Agent.#ctor(System.Double,System.Double,System.Double,System.Double,Swarm_Logic.Agent.PositionFunction,Swarm_Logic.Agent.SendMessageFunction)">
116 <summary>
117 Creates a new agent with the specified position, velocity, radiation function and send message function.
118 </summary>
119 <param name="PX">Represents the X coordinate of the agent position.</param>
120 <param name="PY">Represents the Y coordinate of the agent position.</param>
121 <param name="VX">Represents the X coordinate of the agent velocity.</param>
122 <param name="VY">Represents the Y coordinate of the agent velocity.</param>
123 <param name="RadiationFunction">Represents the function used by the agent to calculate the radiation intensity as measured by a sensor at any given position.</param>
124 <param name="SendMessage">// Represents the function used by the agent to send messages to other nearby agents.</param>
125 </member>
126 <member name="M:Swarm_Logic.Agent.Receive(Swarm_Logic.AgentMessage)">
127 <summary>
128 This function is called -by the environment- when this agent receives a message from another agent.
129 It updates the best known position with the most radiation intensity.
130 </summary>
131 <param name="Message">The message received from the other agent.</param>
132 </member>
133 <member name="M:Swarm_Logic.Agent.CalculateNextAction">
134 <summary>
135 This function calculates the next velocities according to the Particle Swarm Optimization algorithm.
136 It stores the output in VX and VY.
137 </summary>
138 </member>
139 <member name="M:Swarm_Logic.Agent.TakeRandomDecision">
140 <summary>
141 This function calculates a random decision, either parallel to or opposite to the current velocity direction,
142 With some randomness employed.
143 </summary>
144 </member>
145 <member name="M:Swarm_Logic.Agent.AfterMoving">
146 <summary>
147 This function updates agent parameters and communicate them to other agents
148 after executing the decisions -if needed.
149 </summary>
150 </member>
151 <member name="T:Swarm_Logic.Barrier2">
152 <summary>
153 A class that represents a barrier, that prevents moving from one side to another.
154 It is responsible for detecting collisions with moving agents.
155 </summary>
156 </member>
157 <member name="P:Swarm_Logic.Barrier2.X1">
158 <summary>
159 Represents the X coordinate of the first end of the barrier.
160 </summary>
161 </member>
162 <member name="P:Swarm_Logic.Barrier2.Y1">
163 <summary>
164 Represents the Y coordinate of the first end of the barrier.
165 </summary>
166 </member>
167 <member name="P:Swarm_Logic.Barrier2.X2">
168 <summary>
169 Represents the X coordinate of the second end of the barrier.
170 </summary>
171 </member>
172 <member name="P:Swarm_Logic.Barrier2.Y2">
173 <summary>
174 Represents the Y coordinate of the second end of the barrier.
175 </summary>
176 </member>
177 <member name="M:Swarm_Logic.Barrier2.#ctor(System.Double,System.Double,System.Double,System.Double)">
178 <summary>
179 Creates a new barrier with the specified begining and ending coordinates.
180 </summary>
181 <param name="X1">Represents the X coordinate of the first end of the barrier.</param>
182 <param name="Y1">Represents the Y coordinate of the first end of the barrier.</param>
183 <param name="X2">Represents the X coordinate of the second end of the barrier.</param>
184 <param name="Y2">Represents the Y coordinate of the second end of the barrier.</param>
185 </member>
186 <member name="M:Swarm_Logic.Barrier2.IsIntersected(System.Double,System.Double,System.Double,System.Double)">
187 <summary>
188 Checks if a moving agent crosses the barrier or not.
189 </summary>
190 <param name="startX">Represents the X coordinate of the inital position of agent before moving.</param>
191 <param name="startY">Represents the Y coordinate of the inital position of agent before moving.</param>
192 <param name="endX">Represents the X coordinate of the last position of agent after moving.</param>
193 <param name="endY">Represents the Y coordinate of the last position of agent after moving.</param>
194 <returns>true if the agent crosses the barrier and returns false otherwise.</returns>
195 </member>
196 <member name="T:Swarm_Logic.Environment">
197 <summary>
198 A class that represents the enviroment where the agents move and interact. It is responsible for initialization of agents, inter-communication between them,
199 detecting collisions with barriers, validating agents decisions and radiation source(s).
200 </summary>
201 </member>
202 <member name="F:Swarm_Logic.Environment.Source">
203 <summary>
204 Represents the radiation source(s).
205 </summary>
206 </member>
207 <member name="F:Swarm_Logic.Environment.Agents">
208 <summary>
209 Represents a list of all agents in the environment.
210 </summary>
211 </member>
212 <member name="F:Swarm_Logic.Environment.Barriers">
213 <summary>
214 Represents a list of all barriers in the environment.
215 </summary>
216 </member>
217 <member name="M:Swarm_Logic.Environment.WillTheAgentReceiveTheMessage(Swarm_Logic.Agent,Swarm_Logic.Agent)">
218 <summary>
219 This function decides if an agent will receive a meesage sent from another agent or not.
220 </summary>
221 <param name="SendingAgent">Represents the agent who is sending.</param>
222 <param name="ReceivingAgent">Represents the agent who is receiving.</param>
223 <returns>true if the second agent will receive the message from the first agent and returns false otherwise.</returns>
224 </member>
225 <member name="E:Swarm_Logic.Environment.OnIterationEnd">
226 <summary>
227 Represents an event called on the end of each iteration done by the Run function.
228 Can be used to update a graphical user interface.
229 </summary>
230 </member>
231 <member name="M:Swarm_Logic.Environment.#ctor(System.Int32,System.Double,System.Double,System.Collections.Generic.List{Swarm_Logic.Barrier2},Swarm_Logic.RadiationSource)">
232 <summary>
233 Creates a new environment with the specified number of agents, environment dimensions, list of barriers,
234 and radiation source(s).
235 </summary>
236 <param name="NumberOfAgents">Represents the number of all agents in the environment.</param>
237 <param name="Width">Represents the width of the enviroment.</param>
238 <param name="Height">Represents the height of the enviroment.</param>
239 <param name="Barriers">Represents all barriers in the enviroment.</param>
240 <param name="Source">Represents the source(s) of radiation in the environment.</param>
241 </member>
242 <member name="M:Swarm_Logic.Environment.#ctor(System.Collections.Generic.List{Swarm_Logic.Agent},System.Double,System.Double,System.Collections.Generic.List{Swarm_Logic.Barrier2},Swarm_Logic.RadiationSource)">
243 <summary>
244 Creates a new environment with the specified list of agents, environment dimensions, list of barriers,
245 and radiation source(s).
246 </summary>
247 <param name="Agents">Represents all agents in the enviroment.</param>
248 <param name="Width">Represents the width of the enviroment.</param>
249 <param name="Height">Represents the height of the enviroment.</param>
250 <param name="Barriers">Represents all barriers in the enviroment.</param>
251 <param name="Source">Represents the source(s) of radiation in the environment.</param>
252 </member>
253 <member name="M:Swarm_Logic.Environment.Send(Swarm_Logic.Agent,Swarm_Logic.AgentMessage)">
254 <summary>
255 This function is used by all the agents to send messages to eachother.
256 </summary>
257 <param name="SendingAgent">Represents the agent who is sending.</param>
258 <param name="Message">Represents the message which is being sent.</param>
259 </member>
260 <member name="M:Swarm_Logic.Environment.Update">
261 <summary>
262 This function executes only one iteration of the Particle Swarm Optimization algorithm.
263 </summary>
264 </member>
265 <member name="M:Swarm_Logic.Environment.Run(System.Int32)">
266 <summary>
267 This function executes the specified number of iterations of the Particle Swarm Optimization algorithm.
268 </summary>
269 <param name="NumberOfIterations">The number of iterations to be executed.</param>
270 </member>
271 <member name="T:Swarm_Logic.GeneralParameters">
272 <summary>
273 A static class that contains various parameters for the Particle Swarm Optimization algorithm,
274 communication range, minimum and maximum velocities.
275 </summary>
276 </member>
277 <member name="F:Swarm_Logic.GeneralParameters.W">
278 <summary>
279 Represents the ratio of the agent's current velocity that affects the next velocity decesion.
280 </summary>
281 </member>
282 <member name="F:Swarm_Logic.GeneralParameters.P">
283 <summary>
284 Represents the ratio of the agent's distance to the best encountered position that affects the next velocity decesion.
285 </summary>
286 </member>
287 <member name="F:Swarm_Logic.GeneralParameters.G">
288 <summary>
289 Represents the ratio of the agent's distance to the best known position that affects the next velocity decesion.
290 </summary>
291 </member>
292 <member name="F:Swarm_Logic.GeneralParameters.ReceiveRange">
293 <summary>
294 Represents the range in which agents can communicate with each other.
295 </summary>
296 </member>
297 <member name="F:Swarm_Logic.GeneralParameters.MaxVelocity">
298 <summary>
299 Represents the maximum velocity for every agent.
300 </summary>
301 </member>
302 <member name="F:Swarm_Logic.GeneralParameters.MinVelocity">
303 <summary>
304 Represents the minimum velocity for every agent.
305 </summary>
306 </member>
307 <member name="F:Swarm_Logic.GeneralParameters.NearDistance">
308 <summary>
309 An agent is considered reached a radiation source, if it is at distance NearDistance or less to the radiation source.
310 </summary>
311 </member>
312 <member name="T:Swarm_Logic.AgentMessage">
313 <summary>
314 A struct that represents the messages sent between different agents.
315 It contains position coordinates and value of the radiation intensity at that position.
316 </summary>
317 </member>
318 <member name="P:Swarm_Logic.AgentMessage.PX">
319 <summary>
320 Represents the X coordinate of the sent message.
321 </summary>
322 </member>
323 <member name="P:Swarm_Logic.AgentMessage.PY">
324 <summary>
325 Represents the Y coordinate of the sent message.
326 </summary>
327 </member>
328 <member name="P:Swarm_Logic.AgentMessage.Value">
329 <summary>
330 Represents radiation intensity at the position (PX,PY).
331 </summary>
332 </member>
333 <member name="M:Swarm_Logic.AgentMessage.#ctor(System.Double,System.Double,System.Double)">
334 <summary>
335 Creates an new agent message with the specified coordinates and radiation intensity value.
336 </summary>
337 <param name="PX">Represents the X coordinate of the sent message.</param>
338 <param name="PY">Represents the Y coordinate of the sent message.</param>
339 <param name="Value">Represents radiation intensity at the position (PX,PY).</param>
340 </member>
341 <member name="T:Swarm_Logic.ExponintialRandom">
342 <summary>
343 This class implements an exponintial random generator with mean.
344 </summary>
345 </member>
346 <member name="M:Swarm_Logic.ExponintialRandom.#ctor(System.Double)">
347 <summary>
348 Creates a new exponintial random generator with the specified mean.
349 </summary>
350 <param name="Mean">Represents the mean of the exponintial random generator.</param>
351 </member>
352 <member name="M:Swarm_Logic.ExponintialRandom.#ctor(System.Double,System.Int32)">
353 <summary>
354 Creates a new exponintial random generator with the specified mean and with the specified seed.
355 </summary>
356 <param name="Mean">Represents the mean of the exponintial random generator.</param>
357 <param name="Seed">Represents the seed used for the internal pseudo-random number generator.</param>
358 </member>
359 <member name="M:Swarm_Logic.ExponintialRandom.NextDouble">
360 <summary>
361 This function returns the next exponintial-randomly generated double number.
362 </summary>
363 <returns>The next exponintial-random double number.</returns>
364 </member>
365 <member name="T:Swarm_Logic.NormalRandom">
366 <summary>
367 This class implements a normal random generator with a mean and a variance.
368 </summary>
369 </member>
370 <member name="M:Swarm_Logic.NormalRandom.#ctor(System.Double,System.Double)">
371 <summary>
372 Creates a new normal random generator with the specified mean and variance.
373 </summary>
374 <param name="Mean"> Represents the mean of the normal random generator.</param>
375 <param name="Variance">Represents the variance of the normal random generator.</param>
376 </member>
377 <member name="M:Swarm_Logic.NormalRandom.#ctor(System.Double,System.Double,System.Int32,System.Int32)">
378 <summary>
379 Creates a new normal random generator with the specified mean and variance and with the specified seeds.
380 </summary>
381 <param name="Mean"> Represents the mean of the normal random generator.</param>
382 <param name="Variance">Represents the variance of the normal random generator.</param>
383 <param name="Seed1">>Represents the seed used for the first internal pseudo-random number generator.</param>
384 <param name="Seed2">>Represents the seed used for the second internal pseudo-random number generator.</param>
385 </member>
386 <member name="M:Swarm_Logic.NormalRandom.NextDouble">
387 <summary>
388 This function returns the next normal-randomly generated double number.
389 </summary>
390 <returns>The next normal-randomly double number.</returns>
391 </member>
392 <member name="T:Swarm_Logic.NumberGenerator">
393 <summary>
394 An interface for the classes that implement random number generators.
395 It must contain a function that returns the next random double number.
396 </summary>
397 </member>
398 <member name="M:Swarm_Logic.NumberGenerator.NextDouble">
399 <summary>
400 This function returns the next randomly generated double number.
401 </summary>
402 <returns>The next random double number.</returns>
403 </member>
404 <member name="T:Swarm_Logic.UniformRandom">
405 <summary>
406 This class implements a uniform random generator with a minimum and maximum values.
407 </summary>
408 </member>
409 <member name="M:Swarm_Logic.UniformRandom.#ctor(System.Double,System.Double)">
410 <summary>
411 Creates a new uniform random generator with the specified minimum and maximum values.
412 </summary>
413 <param name="Min">Represents the minimum value reteurned by this uniform random generator.</param>
414 <param name="Max">Represents the maximum value reteurned by this uniform random generator.</param>
415 </member>
416 <member name="M:Swarm_Logic.UniformRandom.#ctor(System.Double,System.Double,System.Int32)">
417 <summary>
418 Creates a new uniform random generator with the specified minimum and maximum values and with the specified seed.
419 </summary>
420 <param name="Min">Represents the minimum value reteurned by this uniform random generator.</param>
421 <param name="Max">Represents the maximum value reteurned by this uniform random generator.</param>
422 <param name="Seed">Represents the seed used for the internal pseudo-random number generator.</param>
423 </member>
424 <member name="M:Swarm_Logic.UniformRandom.NextDouble">
425 <summary>
426 This function returns the next uniform-randomly generated double number.
427 </summary>
428 <returns>The next uniform-random double number.</returns>
429 </member>
430 <member name="T:Swarm_Logic.GaussianFunctionSource">
431 <summary>
432 This class model the intensity of a gaussian radiation source.
433 </summary>
434 </member>
435 <member name="M:Swarm_Logic.GaussianFunctionSource.#ctor(System.Double,System.Double,System.Double)">
436 <summary>
437 Creates a new gaussian radiation source with the specified position and sigma square value.
438 </summary>
439 <param name="SourceX">Represents the X coordinate of the gaussian radiation source.</param>
440 <param name="SourceY">Represents the Y coordinate of the gaussian radiation source.</param>
441 <param name="Source1B">Represents the sigma square value of the gaussian radiation source.</param>
442 </member>
443 <member name="M:Swarm_Logic.GaussianFunctionSource.GetRadiation(System.Double,System.Double)">
444 <summary>
445 This function takes the coordinates of an agent position and returns the intensity of the gaussian radiation source as measured by a sensor at that position.
446 </summary>
447 <param name="PX">Represents the X coordinate of the agent.</param>
448 <param name="PY">Represents the Y coordinate of the agent.</param>
449 <returns>The intensity of the gaussian radiation source as measured by the agent sensor at that position.</returns>
450 </member>
451 <member name="M:Swarm_Logic.GaussianFunctionSource.IsNearASource(System.Double,System.Double)">
452 <summary>
453 This function takes the coordinates of an agent position and returns true if the position is near gaussian radiation source and returns false otherwise.
454 </summary>
455 <param name="PX">Represents the X coordinate of the agent.</param>
456 <param name="PY">Represents the Y coordinate of the agent.</param>
457 <returns>true if the position is near gaussian radiation source and returns false otherwise.</returns>
458 </member>
459 <member name="T:Swarm_Logic.MultipleGaussianFunctionSources">
460 <summary>
461 This class model the intensity of multiple gaussian radiation sources.
462 </summary>
463 </member>
464 <member name="M:Swarm_Logic.MultipleGaussianFunctionSources.#ctor(System.Double[],System.Double[],System.Double[],System.Double[])">
465 <summary>
466 Creates new multiple gaussian radiation sources with the specified positions, amplitudes and sigma square values.
467 </summary>
468 <param name="SourceXs">Represents the X coordinates of all the gaussian radiation sources.</param>
469 <param name="SourceYs">Represents the Y coordinates of all the gaussian radiation sources.</param>
470 <param name="SourceAs">Represents the amplitude values of all the gaussian radiation sources.</param>
471 <param name="SourceBs">Represents the sigma square values of all the gaussian radiation sources.</param>
472 </member>
473 <member name="M:Swarm_Logic.MultipleGaussianFunctionSources.GetRadiation(System.Double,System.Double)">
474 <summary>
475 This function takes the coordinates of an agent position and returns the intensity of the multiple gaussian radiation sources as measured by a sensor at that position.
476 </summary>
477 <param name="PX">Represents the X coordinate of the agent.</param>
478 <param name="PY">Represents the Y coordinate of the agent.</param>
479 <returns>The intensity of the multiple gaussian radiation sources as measured by the agent sensor at that position.</returns>
480 </member>
481 <member name="M:Swarm_Logic.MultipleGaussianFunctionSources.IsNearASource(System.Double,System.Double)">
482 <summary>
483 This function takes the coordinates of an agent position and returns true if the position is near any of the multiple gaussian radiation sources and returns false otherwise.
484 </summary>
485 <param name="PX">Represents the X coordinate of the agent.</param>
486 <param name="PY">Represents the Y coordinate of the agent.</param>
487 <returns>true if the position is near any of the multiple gaussian radiation sources and returns false otherwise.</returns>
488 </member>
489 <member name="T:Swarm_Logic.MultipleNoisyGaussianFunctionSources">
490 <summary>
491 This class model the intensity of multiple gaussian radiation sources with some noise effects.
492 </summary>
493 </member>
494 <member name="M:Swarm_Logic.MultipleNoisyGaussianFunctionSources.#ctor(System.Double[],System.Double[],System.Double[],System.Double[])">
495 <summary>
496 Creates new noisy multiple gaussian radiation sources with the specified positions, amplitudes and sigma square values.
497 </summary>
498 <param name="SourceXs">Represents the X coordinates of all the gaussian radiation sources.</param>
499 <param name="SourceYs">Represents the Y coordinates of all the gaussian radiation sources.</param>
500 <param name="SourceAs">Represents the amplitude values of all the gaussian radiation sources.</param>
501 <param name="SourceBs">Represents the sigma square values of all the gaussian radiation sources.</param>
502 </member>
503 <member name="M:Swarm_Logic.MultipleNoisyGaussianFunctionSources.GetRadiation(System.Double,System.Double)">
504 <summary>
505 This function takes the coordinates of an agent position and returns the intensity of the noisy multiple gaussian radiation sources as measured by a sensor at that position.
506 </summary>
507 <param name="PX">Represents the X coordinate of the agent.</param>
508 <param name="PY">Represents the Y coordinate of the agent.</param>
509 <returns>The intensity of the noisy multiple gaussian radiation sources as measured by the agent sensor at that position.</returns>
510 </member>
511 <member name="M:Swarm_Logic.MultipleNoisyGaussianFunctionSources.IsNearASource(System.Double,System.Double)">
512 <summary>
513 This function takes the coordinates of an agent position and returns true if the position is near any of the noisy multiple gaussian radiation sources and returns false otherwise.
514 </summary>
515 <param name="PX">Represents the X coordinate of the agent.</param>
516 <param name="PY">Represents the Y coordinate of the agent.</param>
517 <returns>true if the position is near any of the noisy multiple gaussian radiation sources and returns false otherwise.</returns>
518 </member>
519 <member name="T:Swarm_Logic.RadiationSource">
520 <summary>
521 An interface for the classes that model the intensity of radiation source(s).
522 It must contain a function that takes the coordinates of a position and returns the intensity of the radiation as measured by a sensor at that position.
523 It must also contain a function that takes the coordinates of a position and returns true if the position is near radiation source(s) and returns false otherwise.
524 </summary>
525 </member>
526 <member name="M:Swarm_Logic.RadiationSource.GetRadiation(System.Double,System.Double)">
527 <summary>
528 This function takes the coordinates of an agent position and returns the intensity of the radiation as measured by a sensor at that position.
529 </summary>
530 <param name="PX">Represents the X coordinate of the agent.</param>
531 <param name="PY">Represents the Y coordinate of the agent.</param>
532 <returns>The intensity of radiation as measured by the agent sensor at that position.</returns>
533 </member>
534 <member name="M:Swarm_Logic.RadiationSource.IsNearASource(System.Double,System.Double)">
535 <summary>
536 This function takes the coordinates of an agent position and returns true if the position is near radiation source(s) and returns false otherwise.
537 </summary>
538 <param name="PX">Represents the X coordinate of the agent.</param>
539 <param name="PY">Represents the Y coordinate of the agent.</param>
540 <returns>true if the position is near radiation source(s) and returns false otherwise.</returns>
541 </member>
542 </members>
543 </doc>